
Hello, I am Olga, a Lead Product Designer with the strong UX focus and more than 16 years of experience based in London.

A portrait picture of Olga, Senior Product Designer and design mentor with 14 years of experience solving problems for businesses

My experience as a designer commenced back in 2007 when I started my second degree in graphic and web design and joined an agency to learn the skills. Since then I’ve been working with the top class world-renowned brands such as FT, Google, Shazam, Apple and MTV.

I love combining qualitative research with data driven insights to achieve success in solving design and business problems. Best environment for me is Agile with integrated lean UX practice. I believe that user-centred design techniques bring massive value to the businesses and I am a strong evangelist of applying them.

Olga is known for her creative, organisational and problem-solving skills. She is recognised by getting things done and finding win-win solutions for users, business and environment. Olga is concerned about health and well-being of herself, humanity, animal, plants and the planet we live on.


I've been mentoring and supporting designers inside and outside my teams and inspired a few to change their careers and move to a Product design role.

Read an interview with my colleague at the FT

Public speaking

I am practising to be a good public speaker and so far I did a 10-minute lightning talk at the ‘UX in the City’ conference in Manchester in 2018 and 1 hour hands-on workshop at the ‘Agile in the City’ conference in London in 2019. At ‘Agile in the City’ I met in person Jeff Gothelf who wrote amazing books ‘Lean UX’ (that is a Bible for UXers these days) and ‘Sense & Respond’ which I highly recommend to read.

Photo of Olga and Jeff Gothelf at the conference Agile in the City: London in 2019
Olga and Jeff Gothelf, the co-author of "Lean UX" and "Sense & Respond"

At the FT I also did company-wide updates on the projects I’ve been working on, a talk on ‘Quality in design’ and ran a workshop to teach designers to facilitate design studios.

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Olga is in the middle of the presentation pointing 
                          at the part of the slide
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Photo of the audience at the conference
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Olga is presenting at the main stage at the Financial Times
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Olga is giving a company-wide update on the 'Subscribe with Google'
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Olga is sitting in the chair and participating in the panel discussion
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Participants of the workshop are in the middle of the exercise

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