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Inspiration Maps


Create appealing visual design of the educational product for schools.


UI Design of iOS app for iPad.


Art Director, Product Manager.


There was not much of a process back in 2011-2012, no usability testing or user research activities were involved. I produced a number of creative concepts in collaboration with the Art Director, and made sure that the designs were compliant with the Apple Human Interface Guidelines . At a time skeuomorphic design was in fashion so my visual exploration included objects that are physically present in every classroom – a ruler, sticky notes, a notepad, a chalkboard and materials like wood, glass and paper.

Variations of the visual design using different paper textures,
              navigation bar styled as a ruler or a glass pipe, various styling of the symbols.

A lot of flexibility was designed around styling the bubbles with the ideas so I worked on the so-called 'Inspector' component that allowed to vary the shape of the element containing text, its fill colour and texture, font size and font colour, the shape of the arrows that linked the bubbles.

A mock up showing various types of the inspector component.

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